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donderdag 15 december 2016

Jose Ramirez II 1945 / Jose Ramirez III 1981 / Manuel Romero (Macias)

Presented here is a Jose Ramirez II guitar from 1945.
It is well known there was a shortage of about everything 
just after World War II and the Civil War that ended in 1939.
This example has a spruce top with a seven fan bracing.
Ebonized fingerboard with copper fretwork. Brasilian
rosewood bridge with the well known ornamentation
from that period. Some odd things can be found on
this guitar as it has the bigger Blue / white label normally
found on the higher end student models. But the label
has been signed in blue ink (probably the maker) and
most likely afterwards with "J. Ramirez" done by (???)
Scale length: 650 mm - Length of the body: 477 mm -
Neck width: 50 mm (at top nut) Upper Bout: 255 mm
Waist: 218 mm - Lower bout: 342 mm - Depth: 
Varying from 80 to 90 mm (Bottom)

Jose Ramirez III 1981

This eighties Ramirez guitar has been obtained quite
recently. Though it suffered from some humidity damage
its sound was wonderful. Huge volume and the tonal
qualities are exceptional. Beautiful rounded tone for
all frequency registers. You should listen to the Ramirez
guitar on one of the Andres Segovia Youtube movies:
Andres Segovia demonstrates different timbres of the
guitar. The same sounds!

Manuel Romero Macias (1995)

Manuel Romero Macias is a Sevilla based Guitarreros
and at this moment he is retired and his son took over the
business. The workshop is in Montellana (near Sevilla)

A nice shot of the sides that shows us Palo Santo the way
you only can find it in the 19th century guitars (chocolate
brown) as opposed to the more common orangy colour they 
provide today. The materials used are premium quality 
but the final touch on this guitar could be better.

I never had the opportunity to try out one of his guitars so 
it was a buy in the blind. However, the woods used are that 
nice and only the Fustero tuners mounted made it worth to
buy it anyway. Spruce top and Palo Santo used for sides 
and back. This guitarreros built his guitars after 
Santos Hernandez and used premium materials.